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April 16, 2008



Stay the heck away from me lady! Strep about kills me.

sue Treiber

thank God I didn't kiss anyone!


I just don't understand Strep- I just went in yesterday for a sore throat that I've had for weeks, and thought for sure I had it. Nope, just a bad infection but not positive for Strep. You guys always seem to battling it and hope you get rid of this round soon!


Good gads.
That is like fifty bucks worth of meds right there.

Pa better get carving to pay for this round.

Hope you all kick it quick!

Tracey P.

And the hits just keep on coming, huh? I hope you all get well fast and STAY WELL!! As my stepmom would say "how are you not running down the road naked at this point?" : )

Take care!

Tracey P.

Andi Sexton (rrlscrapgal)

Only in your house... I'm thinking if it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen to you!


We just went through the exact thing a few weeks back...and then Ron had to go through a second prescription as he still tested positive after the first round. Used up all the vacation time he had after all that. Hang in there!


Yikes! You can't seem to get a break, can you? Well, I'm sending lots of get well soon vibes your way. Take care.


I hope you feel better fast (all of you)! Or I should say, the strep goes away quick, since you all seem like you're feeling fine. I had a slight sore throat for a few days last week before I noticed some white stuff on my tonsils. Put thieves oil on them and it went away quickly.

Jan C.

Better get everybody new toothbrushes, too!

Anna Beth

Wow! You are a superwoman. Hope everyone is better soon!

~ Junkyard Jennifer

Oh man, that's crazy. What a bummer!

Nerd girl here, I was reading up on strep about a month ago, and you can actually be a 'carrier' of it for many, many months without symptoms (I don't remember the exact time they gave), if it goes untreated. I thought that was interesting. I don't know, I just find that kind of stuff fascinating... :)

Hope everyone clears up soon! At least, on the bright side, no one was in discomfort. :)

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