is that, probably, this house has had strep for five full weeks and not known it.
When the doctor looked in Markie's ear yesterday he asked if he was sick when the tubes were put in. Something about it not looking quite right, a clot, build-up.... we go for his 3 week check-up with the ENT who put in the tubes today, so we'll see. I'm guessing tho, that Mark must have had strep when the tubes were put in. Strep with no symptoms - but that was a week after Brian's cast - and both Pa and I were on medicine for strep that week.
And we were watching the kids to see if anyone of them got symptoms - and none did.
I actually think, in looking back, that Wendy has probably had it for well over 5 weeks. She was home from school, sick, the day Brian broke his leg. But she didn't have a sore throat, she had the four day headache bug, just like I had the week prior.
I vaguely recall, tho, a note in the pile that had amassed on the counter saying that someone in her class had strep - and while we could have picked it up anywhere, in fact, I thought we picked it up at the hospital - looking back - I do think she's had it for a full 6 weeks.
Her symptoms were so sporadic that I never dreamed. She had a tickle in her throat one day. She had an itchy abdomen last week. She hasn't had a fever since her headache bug. She hasn't had another headache since her headache bug. She's been eating me out of house and home and playing hard.
Basically - I think they should create drive thru strep check points so one can just check, easily, for the heck of it now and then. Oh, and family discounts would be wonderful too -
Now to go take inventory of toothbrushes
and get Markie ready for his tube checkup, I'm really curious what's going to happen with that one...
A drive-thru strep check is brilliant. It is so hard to know. You have to be superwoman to know everything and do everything right. You are not the only one who has done that, believe me.
Posted by: mindijo | April 17, 2008 at 09:41 AM
It sounds like Miss W is a carrier - she carries the bug but doesn't exhibit symptoms. Ain't that FUN?!?!?!
Posted by: janet o | April 17, 2008 at 12:48 PM
Drive-thru strep check - what a dream! Wow, that would be something. Way easier!
Posted by: ~ Junkyard Jennifer | April 17, 2008 at 03:04 PM
Don't feel alone in not knowing the kids had strep. Years ago, I let my youngest daughter "go" so long with it, not knowing she had it, that she got a rash and both me and my mother-in-law (who raised 7 kids) thought she had rosyola (sp?). Well, she had the "scarlet flush", the precursor to scarlet fever, brought on by strep! Wow, did I ever feel bad and did I ever get a cussing from the doctor for letting her go so long. in your case, no symptoms.
Posted by: Rhonda | April 17, 2008 at 10:08 PM
Oh Mylanta! Get the Lysol out girl! I do hope you are getting some rest in between all this..hang in's almost summertime!
Posted by: Tonja Trump | April 18, 2008 at 04:28 AM