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April 17, 2008



A drive-thru strep check is brilliant. It is so hard to know. You have to be superwoman to know everything and do everything right. You are not the only one who has done that, believe me.

janet o

It sounds like Miss W is a carrier - she carries the bug but doesn't exhibit symptoms. Ain't that FUN?!?!?!

~ Junkyard Jennifer

Drive-thru strep check - what a dream! Wow, that would be something. Way easier!


Don't feel alone in not knowing the kids had strep. Years ago, I let my youngest daughter "go" so long with it, not knowing she had it, that she got a rash and both me and my mother-in-law (who raised 7 kids) thought she had rosyola (sp?). Well, she had the "scarlet flush", the precursor to scarlet fever, brought on by strep! Wow, did I ever feel bad and did I ever get a cussing from the doctor for letting her go so long. But...as in your case, no symptoms.

Tonja Trump

Oh Mylanta! Get the Lysol out girl! I do hope you are getting some rest in between all this..hang in there...it's almost summertime!

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