Not this photo, although there's no sayin'.....
This past July the kids and I (the hubby is always busy in July and it's rare that he can vacation with us. The work he does generally makes him busier when Ford does their two week shut down - as he's often involved with the updating that happens during that time. anyway....) went camping at McLains State Park in Upper Michigan. It's a favorite of ours - and being that I never know if the hubby will be able to come or not until the last minute - I prefer to stay in a cabin. At least until the little boys are bigger. I'm a wimp, what can I say. This cabin, Hemlock, is my favorite of the 7 cabins. The kids made a lot of use out of that ramp - the out house is just to my right - just out of the photo, and, well, I just like it.
Some of you had asked for a closer look.....
(this is the photo. that was checked....)
They are cozy, especially on day five of five of us living in it. But they are warm and dry. Two little space heaters, a hot plate, refrigerator....
....a cot, for extra sleeping - but we used the air mattress on the floor instead. As it worked out - there was only one (or two?) nights when we needed that as Allan and Wendy both spent nights at various places during that time.
It's the renters job to clean back up when their stay is over. This is how it looks all ready and fresh. It's a bring your own bedding establishment
All in all - I recommend them. Lake Superior is right out the window, the heaters keep it cozy (they actually rent these year round for snowmobilers/skiiers/winter camping nuts) and again - dry. drydrydrydrydry
I just might be up to doing it again next year.
(Camping without any other adults and four kids, wasn't quite all that....but memorable) ;)
McLains is beautiful. We use to go there when we were at Tech. Maybe it's time to go back and take the boys. I have been longing for a trip to Copper Harbor to see the leaves. They are getting close to peak in Ashland so I imagine they are perfect up there. Have a great weekend.
Posted by: JoAnn | October 09, 2009 at 07:15 AM
Ha! Fun looks like it was a good trip!
Posted by: Pamela Young | October 09, 2009 at 08:50 AM down bedding? no turndown service with mints on your pillows? don't think I could do it. I've been spoiled for too long.
we went tent camping once and only once. it rained 5 out of 7 days....nuff said.
Posted by: Deb Wisker | October 09, 2009 at 09:45 AM
looks like such fun.
Posted by: amy | October 09, 2009 at 11:06 AM
My hat is off to you for going with 4 kids! My three would be enough for me. :)
Looks like lots of fun!
Posted by: Cari Skuse | October 09, 2009 at 11:41 AM
Fun! I've never seen the cabins there before, thanks for sharing photos. If they're reasonable, it might be an option for us in the future! :)
Posted by: Julie M. | October 09, 2009 at 02:31 PM
We've been wondering about the cabins! Last year when we tented the traffic around the loop made me a little nervous with toddlers. It looks like a perfect solution! Love McLain's.
Posted by: jen t | October 09, 2009 at 10:11 PM
Torm I love reading your blog, no matter the entry, Thanks so much for the peek into your life!
Posted by: Michelle | October 09, 2009 at 10:22 PM
Let me know when you would make reservations next summer (if Greg isn't going to be there). Hans isn't too fired up on staying there, and the kids would love to....
Posted by: Brita | October 10, 2009 at 12:50 PM
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Haensel aber hatte nicht nach dem Kaetzchen gesehen, sondern immer einen von den blanken Kieselsteinen aus seiner Tasche auf den Weg geworfen. Interessanter als der bisweilen salbungsvolle Hofmann aeussern sich ohnehin die anderen Zeitzeugen, unterstuetzt von aufschlussreichem, zum Teil unveroeffentlichtem Archivmaterial, das Witz aus ueber fuenfzig Quellen zusammengetragen hat. Haensel bueckte sich und steckte so viele in sein Rocktaeschlein, als nur hinein wollten. Die Nylon- beziehungsweise Polyesterspitzen garantieren lange Haltbarkeit und durch den gemeinsamen Tintentank, der beide Spitzen versorgt, wird ein ungleiches Leerschreiben vermieden.
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Posted by: Suememaype | May 30, 2012 at 05:47 AM