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March 30, 2012



You need to start underlining those letters!

Sherry Cartwright

That is funny! We have K kiddos in our house, so they've been labeled as K2 and K3 or K-boy and K-girl. Sometimes, they are just K and we just blame them both!

carol in seattle :)

HAHAHA! I totally did this too! When I call them for dinner, it's "BCTSJ!" (four kids and the hubs) But the one thing I like about it the most is when we're in public - sometimes my neurotic side takes over and I want to protect them from strangers (yep, I'm a freak!) and using their initials rather than their name helps me feel better. Cuz yannow that if a stranger knows your name, he can steal you that much easier...That's weird right?

Amy @ Permanent Kisses

Start making the W with scrolly curly cues on the top! I am thinking Wendy would love that.

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